restorative sleep

Why is sleep important?

The HolSpanMD philosophy emphasizes that sleep is the most underrecognized and underutilized performance enhancer.The challenges of modern society often causes sleep to be one of the most overlooked health benefits with approximately 1 in 3 adults sleeping fewer than 7 hours per night. Sleep is known to aid in physical recovery and healing, boost your immune system, regulate hormonal balance, and refresh your neurological system. For adults, it is recommended that you sleep 7-9 hours per a 24-hour period to lower your risk of metabolic, cardiovascular, and mental health conditions. 

SPAN UP Your Sleep:

Developing healthy habits around sleep can lower your risk of metabolic concerns, such as Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome (TDS) and nocturia. The HolSpanMD approach builds our daytime and evening activities around dedicated time for recovery and sleep. Sleep is a centerpiece for overall lifestyle design. At HolSpanMD, we are committed to helping our patients construct ideal sleep with the following tips:

Healthy Sleep Habits:

  • Create a conducive sleep environment. Taking a warm shower prior to bed or lowering the temperature in the bedroom can aid sleep.

  • Develop mindfulness practices. Using stretching, mobility work, breath work, and mind/body practices, you can relax your mind and body to get restorative sleep.

  • Avoid stimulating substances or foods. Limit your caffeine, sugar, and alcohol intake prior to bed.

  • Reduce exposure to bright lights. It’s a good idea to dim lights and avoid screens 2-3 hours prior to going to sleep. It reminds your body that the sun, along with your day, has set.

  • Keep your stress at bay. Avoid reading the news, checking your email, or scanning social media right before bedtime to lower your risk of becoming distressed while preparing for relaxing sleep.

How Do Sleep Habits Impact Your Overall Health?

HolSpan's Wake-Up Call: The Transformative Power of Quality Sleep

Discover the critical importance of sleep in HolSpan's approach, unraveling its profound impact on health and addressing its often-underestimated significance in modern life.

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HolSpanMD counsels patients on a personal level to achieve their optimal metabolic health, focusing on precision wellness and preventative care. Reach out to us today to schedule an appointment or ask a question.

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